1    What is this privacy policy and cookie policy for?

BrickXperience is convinced that the protection of your personal data is essential. This privacy and cookie policy aims to inform you in a proper and transparent manner about the processing of your personal data and is intended to explain what cookies are, how we use them on our Website and how you can manage them.

Therefore this policy applies to the processing of all your personal data on the website https://www.brickXperience.com (hereinafter: “Website”) of the company BrickXperience (by StockBrickx) (hereinafter: “we”, “ us”, or “BrickXperience”).

This privacy policy does not cover the privacy policy of third parties nor of websites or applications that are referred to via (even permitted) hyperlinks on the Website.

You can be consult the privacy policy at any time under the ‘Privacy Policy’ section on the Website.

If you have any questions while reading this privacy policy, you can always contact us by email at: hello@brickXperience.com.

2    Privacy policy

2.1     The processing of your personal data

2.1.1 BrickXperience, with registered office in Mol and registered in the KBO under number 0801.930.177, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. In this sense, BrickXperience is the controller. This means that it determines the purposes and means of data processing and is responsible for the lawful and correct processing of your personal data.

2.1.2 We take all appropriate measures to ensure that the processing is in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter: “GDPR”). The lawyers, appointees and employees of BrickXperience as well as service providers that it engages and who have access to your personal data are also obliged to comply with the GDPR.

2.2     What data do we process?

2.2.1 In the context of concluding an agreement, we process (all or part of) the following (personal) data:
[nickname, surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, place of birth, National Register number or passport number, domicile address and possibly residence address, payment details, profession, usual account number, copy of identity card or passport (front and back, as well as all or part of aforementioned (personal) data of any agent(s) of these natural persons]

2.2.2 In order for you to be able to create an Account via the Website, we process the following personal data: [your name, nickname, payment details, first name, telephone number, e-mail address and any other personal data that you provide yourself].

These personal data are only processed to the extent that you provide them to us (whether or not via the Website).

2.2.3 We also process the following data via the Website: device data, log file data such as the IP address, browser and operating system, the external website that referred you and the pages you visited on the Website (and the date and time of the pages you visit). This data is processed automatically, solely for statistical purposes and with a view to further improving the Website.

2.2.4 BrickXperience does not process special and/or sensitive personal data from you, unless BrickXperience has requested and received express permission in advance. BrickXperience therefore does not process data such as race, religion or belief, political or sexual preference, data about your health, creditworthiness or criminal record.

2.2.5 We may receive your personal data directly from you or indirectly via third parties.

2.2.6 BrickXperience may receive and process your personal data in the context of an agreement with you, when you contact BrickXperience, by telephone, in writing or via the Website or via cookies on the Website. BrickXperience may also receive your data via third parties (whether or not as a processor on behalf of BrickXperience).

2.3     Why do we process personal data?

2.3.1 Our website processes personal data to execute the agreements made, when you make a payment via the Website or when you provide personal data via the online form on the Website.

The processing of your personal data, whether or not on or via the Website, is not the subject of so-called “automated individual decision-making” or profiling.

2.4     Do we share your personal data with third parties?

2.4.1 We doe not sell or rent your data to third parties. The following (categories of) companies, institutions or entities may receive and/or process your personal data (whether or not as a processor on behalf of or on the instructions of BrickXperience):

  • partners, suppliers, (sub)contractors, external service providers that BrickXperience relies on and who receive and/or process your personal data in the context of our activities (e.g. our IT supplier(s) in the context of management, maintenance, support and hosting of the Website, IT infrastructure, network management, companies that provide payment and invoicing services, marketing services or analytical services to BrickXperience);
  • the bookkeeper(s) / accountants of BrickXperience;
  • the insurance broker(s) and/or insurers of BrickXperience;

2.5     How long do we store personal data?

2.5.1 Our website will not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected, unless special legal provisions apply to its storage or processing.

2.6     What are your rights?

2.6.1 You have the right to information regarding the processing of your personal data. This will be communicated to you via this privacy policy.

2.6.2 You have the right to request that we:

  • access to your personal data: You can obtain one copy of the requested information free of charge. If you request additional copies, BrickXperience may charge you a reasonable fee as an administrative cost.
  • improvement of your personal data;
  • deletion of your personal data if:
    • the processing of those data is no longer necessary for the purpose or purposes for which they were processed by BrickXperience;
    • you have withdrawn a given consent;
    • you object to the processing;
    • the personal data have been processed unlawfully by BrickXperience; or
    • this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

You cannot exercise this right if the processing is necessary:

  • to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information; or
  • to comply with a legal obligation of BrickXperience;
  • restriction of processing that concerns you. You have the right to obtain restriction of processing if you:
    • contests the accuracy of the personal data we have;
    • the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and instead request the restriction of its use;
    • pending an answer to the question whether BrickXperience’s legitimate grounds outweigh yours if you have objected to the processing on the basis of our legitimate interest;
    • You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

2.6.3 You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

You can object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing at any time and free of charge. You can easily object by letting us know via hello@BrickXperience.com and/or by unsubscribing on the Website.

2.6.4 You have the right to portability of your personal data.

You have the right to ask us to receive the personal data we have obtained from you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit that data to another controller. You only have this right if the processing by BrickXperience is based on your consent or the processing is carried out via automated processes.

2.6.5 If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

2.6.6 You have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels – T: +32(0)2 274 48 00 – E: contact@apd-gba.be).

In case of a complaint, you can also contact BrickXperience via hello@BrickXperience.com.

2.6.7 The exercise of your rights as set out above is subject to the requirements and conditions set out in the GDPR.

2.6.8 To exercise the above rights, you can simply send a request to BrickXperience at hello@BrickXperience.com, providing sufficient identification.

If BrickXperience has reasons to doubt your identity, it may ask you for additional information necessary to confirm your identity. BrickXperience will usually request a copy of your identity card to verify who is actually submitting a request.

3    Cooky policy

3.1.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are stored by the browser on the hard drive of your computer or device when you visit and/or consult a website or use a (mobile) application that stores certain user information. Cookie files contain unique codes that, for example, allow your browser to recognize you during your visit to the Website and thus improve your user experience. Cookies facilitate the interaction between the visitor and a website and are used to improve the user experience and to collect statistics among visitors to a website. Cookies also ensure that your personal settings and preferences are saved or that image and sound material can be played. Certain cookies can be placed by a third party, e.g. Google Analytics, to measure the use of a website.

3.1.2 Which cookies do we use?

BrickXperience uses different types of cookies on the Website:

  • Session cookies: these are cookies that keep certain preferences during a surfing session, but disappear when you close your browsing session.
  • Permanent cookies: these are cookies that are permanently placed on your device, at least until their duration expires.
  • Functional cookies: these cookies are necessary for the optimal functioning of the Website, to display certain graphic elements, etc. These cookies are technically necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website. These cookies are placed without your permission as they are in the legitimate interest of BrickXperience.
  • Non-functional cookies: these cookies are placed for statistical, social and/or commercial purposes and are separate from the technical support of the Website. The use of these cookies requires your prior, specific and explicit consent. This includes the following cookies:
    • Analytical cookies: these cookies are used to compile statistics on the number of visitors to the Website, the most popular web pages, etc. These cookies show how the Website is used. For example, we know how many times a certain page is read, how much time someone spends on our Website, etc. The statistical analyzes help us to know how the Website is used and to improve its functionality. We also use this data to report generally about our services or in the context of studies in which we participate. No personal data is passed on. The consent of each visitor is required for the placement of these cookies.
    • Marketing cookies: The online advertising offer is personalized via these cookies.
    • Sociale media cookies: These cookies offer the option to include buttons from social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram, allowing you to share pages.

The Website uses (i) its own cookies (first party cookies) that are placed directly by our Website and (ii) cookies from third parties whose services (can be) used on the Website (third party cookies) and which are placed by a domain that is different from the domain of our Website.

First-party cookies do not imply the transfer of personal data to third parties, but can use a third-party processor, e.g. to compile statistics. Your consent is also required for placing first-party analytical cookies, for example.

Third party cookies allow personal data to be sent to third parties either directly (e.g. through an active ingredient linked to a banner or a spy pixel) or indirectly by placing cookies accessible to websites other than those of the advertiser .

Below you will find a list and description of the cookies we use on our Website:

CookieData collected and storedOwn cookie or third partyRetention period
Google RecaptchaReferrer URLThird partij6 months
Operating system information
Mouse and keyboard behavior
Date and language settings
JavaScript objects
Loaded resources, including styles or images
User’s Google account information
Behaviors such as scrolling on a page, mouse movement, link clicking, time spent filling out forms, and typing patterns
CSS information
Browser plug-ins
Dashboard statisticDisplaying the number of visitors to your ad(s) in your dashboard.own cookie1 day
CookieyesCookieYes sets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store personal information about site visitors.own cookie1 year
WordPressWordPress sets this cookie to determine whether cookies are enabled on users’ browsers.own cookie1 session

3.1.3 Consent

When you first visit or use the Website, information about the use of cookies will appear in a cookie banner.

Your consent is not required for necessary/technical and functional cookies. Consent, to be granted via the banner, is required for non-functional cookies, such as analytical cookies and marketing cookies. Your consent is obtained before the cookies are placed. If your consent is not granted, cookies cannot be placed. Your consent is informed (by providing you with the information in this cookie policy).

Your consent must be explicit and active by checking the boxes in the cookie banner. Your consent is specific and is therefore obtained per cookie or cookie category.

If you have consented to the use of certain non-functional or non-essential cookies, you can change this setting and withdraw your consent at any time. Previously stored cookies will be deleted. You can withdraw your consent to our cookies at any time, even if you have previously given consent. Please note that if you do not consent to some of our cookies, the user experience on the Website may be negatively affected.

3.1.4 Enable and disable cookies – manage

With all common browsers you can check the settings or options or indicate which cookies you allow. The use of cookies can be disabled. You can delete cookies automatically or manually via your web browser and you can indicate whether certain cookies may be placed or not. You can also set your web browser so that you receive a message when a cookie is placed.

If you disable cookies, it is possible that the Website will no longer function correctly or that certain (graphic) elements or applications on the Website will function less well.